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I personally think that home is a small world where one lives according to his/her own rules. It's a casual part time positions launceston place where you feel comfort, warmth and reliability. And I believe that it's not the size of the dayton ohio dating services place where you live that matters, but the way you feel about it. And if your house is not just a building for you but a place dayton ohio dating services that you dayton ohio dating services can call home, it means that you want to stay there as long as possible and it's a place where dayton ohio dating services you always want to return to. The importance of home is depicted in languages of all the nations: we say "East or West, home is best ", the English say "My home is my castle." Home is a place that awakens the most pleasant feelings and high emotions in soul of dayton ohio dating services every person. Always after a hard day I return home dayton ohio dating services and think "At last I came home". I'm sure that home of a person is as much a reflection of his personality, as the clothes he wears, the food he eats, the books he reads and the friends he spends his time with.
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